Why employee self-service is a Win/Win for all.

by Paul Devlin

Imagine a scenario where your employee is requiring a copy of their pay stub after hours. They’re at a car dealership and are looking to take out a loan and forgot to get a copy from HR before they left. Wouldn’t it be nice if they could just open their app on their phone and download a copy?

How about one night when they are planning their family vacation and want to see how much vacation time they have left? Again, they can immediately check their self-service app and see how much PTO they have available. (They can also schedule that time off from the app if you have the Time & Labor module)

In both situations, the employee feels in complete control of their personal information and Payroll history, so they can feel empowered to plan their lives away from work.

From an HR Department perspective, it helps reduce errors and missed emails, improves PTO management and greatly reduces the need to contact HR for low level requests.

In short, it improves the process, gives more control back to the person requesting the information and creates ‘less paperwork and more peoplework’ for your HR department.

If you aren’t currently utilizing our Time & Labor management system for self service scheduling, please contact your APlus team member and we can provide more details. However, the ability to look up pay statements and check accruals is available now through our app, free of charge to you and your employees.

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