Frequently Asked Questions

We like to be transparent with our clients from the start of our partnership, so we've compiled a list of questions that you may have thought of (and some you may not) that we get asked most frequently.

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How UKG Ready With APlus Can Propel Your Business to Success

We get asked often how using a boutique payroll provider. differs from using a Company like UKG directly? That question can be quickly answered the moment you have an issue. If you are our client you call one number and are connected to a live person normally within 7 seconds, assuming…

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How to Prepare for Summer Vacations Within Your Organization

As the summer season approaches, it becomes crucial for your organization to manage vacation requests effectively to maintain productivity and service quality while ensuring fair treatment of all employees regarding time off. The following plan outlines strategies and policies designed to address potential disparities and manage your team during this peak…

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Is This the End of Non-Compete Agreements? Not Quite!

  On January 12, the Federal Trade Commission issued a proposed rule on Non-Compete Clauses under sections 5 and 6(g) of the Federal Trade Commission Act.  Section 5(a) of the FTC Act prohibits unfair methods of competition, while section 6(g) authorizes the Federal Trade Commission to engage in rule making regarding…

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The Crucial Role of Dedicated Payroll Support Specialists

“Working hand in hand with clients, rather than in a call center setting, allows me to build strong relationships with my clients, something I truly love! Knowing the ins and outs of their business allows me to provide quick, tailored solutions that fit them perfectly. When a client calls with a…

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Fostering Transparency in the Workplace

  Transparency is not just a buzzword but a foundational element of a thriving organizational culture. But what does transparency in a professional setting really mean? At its core, workplace transparency involves open, honest communication between all members of an organization, from the C-suite to frontline employees. It’s about making processes,…

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Want to Manage Generation Z Effectively? Think Like a Gamer!

  Understanding and engaging Generation Z employees has become a critical aspect of effective management. Born between the late 1990s and early 2010s, Gen Z has grown up in a digital era, leading to distinctive characteristics, work habits, and relationships with technology. Managers can gain a significant advantage by adopting a…

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The Pros and Cons of Paper Checks vs Electronic Payroll

  The move from paper checks to an electronic payroll system is a significant step towards modernizing your business operations. This transition not only streamlines the payroll process but also brings with it several benefits and challenges. Let’s dive in to the pros and cons of both. Paper Checks vs. Electronic…

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Navigating the New Overtime Salary Threshold: A Guide

  The landscape of employee compensation is set for a significant shift with the Department of Labor (DoL) gearing up to introduce changes to the overtime salary threshold. This change will redefine who is eligible for overtime pay, expanding coverage to millions of additional American workers. It’s a pivotal moment for…

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Federal Law Alert – Pregnancy Workers Fairness Act

  The final rule for the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA), which applies to employers with 15 or more employees, has been published and takes effect June 18, 2024. With over 100 pages of preamble, regulations, and interpretive guidance, there’s obviously a lot to take in. Thankfully, you don’t need to spend a…

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What Payroll Records do I Have to Keep?

  Maintaining accurate payroll records is not only crucial for internal management but also a legal requirement. This guide outlines the federally mandated retention periods for different types of payroll records in the United States, highlighting the importance of compliance and the potential penalties for non-compliance. While this guide focuses on…

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Update – Senate Blocks NLRB’s New Joint-Employer Standard

On Wednesday April 10th, the Senate voted 50-48 on House Joint Resolution 98 (also known as the Congressional Review Act), which would repeal the National Labor Relations Board’s joint-employer rule.  Following the passing of the bill, this will now be sent to President Joe Biden’s desk for a signature, however he…

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Common Payroll Tax Issues and How We Can Help

  Payroll taxes can be a complex and daunting aspect of running a business. With regulations constantly evolving and the potential for human error always present, it’s no wonder that mistakes happen. However, understanding common payroll tax errors and knowing how to rectify them can save your business from costly penalties…

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Developing an Efficient Expense Reimbursement Policy

  Expense reimbursement is a critical aspect of financial management within any company, ensuring that employees are compensated for out-of-pocket expenses incurred on behalf of the business. However, developing an efficient expense reimbursement policy and integrating it with your company’s payroll system can be a complex process. This guide will walk…

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The Top 5 Must-Have Features in Your Payroll Software

Choosing the right payroll software is like finding the perfect assistant; it should make your life easier, not harder. In today’s fast-paced business environment, where time is money, and efficiency is king, having reliable payroll software and support  isn’t just an option—it’s a necessity. The right features can transform your payroll…

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All Overtime Is Not Created Equal

  Overtime, while an essential tool for meeting business demands, carries implications for both employees and the organization. Today’s blog post aims to provide HR professionals with insights into managing overtime effectively. Understanding Overtime Overtime refers to the hours worked beyond the standard working hours set by the employer. It can…

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The Overlooked Payroll Peril of Garnishments

  In the myriad of tasks that compose the payroll department’s responsibilities, there lies a hidden yet crucial aspect that often goes unnoticed until it culminates into a significant problem—the accurate deduction and remittance of garnishments. While seemingly straightforward, the failure to properly manage wage garnishments can lead to serious legal…

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HR Q&A – Do We Need to Pay Summer Interns?

In recent years, internships have become a critical stepping stone for individuals entering the workforce. They offer invaluable experience, networking opportunities, and a glimpse into various industries. However, one question frequently arises for employers offering these positions, especially during the summer months: Do we have to pay summer interns? The answer…

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The Ultimate Payroll Checklist for Small Business Owners

  As a small business owner, setting up a payroll system might not be the most exciting part of your entrepreneurial journey, but it’s undeniably one of the most critical. Payroll is not just about ensuring your team gets paid on time; it’s a direct reflection of your business’s operational integrity…

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Why APlus Payroll Is the Solution to Your Payroll Service Woes

Many of you have shared stories of dealing with large payroll service providers, either online or the phone, and it seems there are some common threads in those tales of woe. Issues range from frustrating customer service experiences, where getting in touch with a real human being feels like a Herculean…

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Hiring Millennials: Bridging Generational Gaps for a Thriving Workplace

Millennials, born between 1981 and 1996, have become a focal point in discussions about workplace dynamics, primarily due to their unique expectations and work habits. As businesses strive to attract top talent across generations, it’s crucial to recognize what makes each group tick and how to harness their strengths for a…

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How to Set up Your Company With Direct Deposit

For many small business owners, streamlining payroll is a pivotal step towards efficiency and employee satisfaction. One of the easiest ways to achieve this is by setting up a direct deposit system. This not only saves time but also reduces the risk of errors and delays associated with traditional paper checks.…

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Spring: Blossoming Your Potential and Well-Being

Spring is all around us, Winter is in the rear view mirror and longer days are in front. It’s the season of renewal and growth, synonymous with flowers, freshness, and a sense of rejuvenation. This ‘blooming season’ of spring can mark the perfect opportunity for personal and professional growth (and a…

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Why Pay Frequency Matters For You And Your Employees

When it comes to attracting and retaining top talent, an organization’s approach to remuneration can make or break the game. Beyond the basic salary amount, the pay frequency—or how often employees receive a paycheck—plays a pivotal role in the employer-employee relationship and can have significant implications on your business’s operations, culture,…

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HR Q&A – What’s the Difference Between a Furlough and a Layoff?

  When it comes to losing your job, the terms “layoff” and “furlough” are often used interchangeably. However, these two terms mean very different things for both employers and employees. Understanding the distinction between the two can help you navigate your career and plan for your future. So buckle up and…

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Still have questions?
Schedule an informal chat with a real member of our team about how APlus Payroll can help your business.

When you enter your information below, here’s what you can expect:

  1. You'll receive ONE phone call and ONE confirmation email within ONE business day. We’ll ask you about your business and how you currently do things, what you like about what you're doing now, and what you’d like to do better. If we think we can help, we’ll suggest scheduling a short demonstration.
  2. We'll then schedule a live demo with a member of our Customer Support team who will show you how they make our platform successful for specific businesses like yours.
  3. You’ll then receive a detailed proposal customized for your business with just what you need NOW.
  4. You’ll let us know when you’d like to start or, if it’s not for you right now, you'll be kind enough to tell us.

Meet Payroll Paul

Payroll Paul first joined APlus Payroll in 2008. He specializes in helping build the customer service, marketing, and culture within the company; relying on his 40+ years of 'customer delight' experiences across six countries. 


Paul Devlin